Implementation of .NET-like LINQ operators in C++
List of built-in LINQ operators

Reference for all built-in LINQ operators. More...


 Aggregates values in a sequence to produce a single value.
 Checks if all elements in a sequence satisfy a predicate.
 Checks if a sequence has elements.
 Computes average of a sequence of values.
 Casts sequence elements to another type.
 Concatenate two sequences.
 Looks for an element in a sequence.
 Counts elements in a sequence.
 Ensures a sequence has at least one element.
 Filters out duplicate elements in a sequence.
 Returns nth element in a sequence.
 Returns nth element in a sequence, or a default value.
 Performs a set difference between two sequences.
 Returns first element in a sequence.
 Returns first element in a sequence, or a default value.
 group_by / group_values_by / group_by_and_fold / group_values_by_and_fold
 Groups elements in a sequence according to their keys.
 Joins and groups elements in two sequences according to their keys.
 Performs a set intersection of two sequences.
 Joins elements in two sequences according to their keys.
 Returns last element in a sequence.
 Returns last element in a sequence, or a default value.
 Returns maximum element in a sequence.
 Returns minimum element in a sequence.
 Checks if no element in a sequence satisfy a predicate.
 order_by / order_by_descending / then_by / then_by_descending
 Orders elements in a sequence.
 Reverses elements in a sequence.
 select / select_with_index / select_many / select_many_with_index
 Projects elements in a sequence into another form.
 Compares two sequences.
 Returns the only element in a sequence.
 Returns the only element in a sequence, or a default value.
 skip / skip_while / skip_while_with_index
 Skips the first elements in a sequence.
 Computes sum of a sequence of values.
 take / take_while / take_while_with_index
 Keeps only the first elements in a sequence.
 to / to_vector / to_associative / to_map
 Converts a sequence into another container type.
 Performs a set union of two sequences.
 where / where_with_index
 Filters a sequence.
 Zips two sequences by combining corresponding elements.

Detailed Description

This page lists all LINQ operators implemented in the coveo::linq library. They are listed alphabetically and grouped by purpose.